Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday after IVP game~

It was a great game yesterday vs SIM... we played really hard and we scored 9-13 ba~ It was really good and our peeps really put in alot of effort! I was so influenced by my team peeps, that i also put in extra hard effort~ to a point where my legs can't carry me further and i sprained my ankle while D-ing a disc~!

I did my first layout D yesterday, and sprained my ankle on the 2nd layout D.. The first was really good coz the guy didn't expect me to run and fly to tap down the disc~! Really happy with myself~

As for today, was supposed to spend the whole day doing work, but i only did a little~ Better start to work hard later while dearie goes to meet his GTi friends~ :) Some car drivers gathering thingy~ Hahaa!!


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