Firstly, congratulate Nik on his new job! He is working with this company called Animagine where he will work with kids on animation projects.. One of the big one most of us will be familiar with is the Total Defence Day's N.Emation... However, this new job comes with time restriction... He will start work at bout 7am and end about 7pm usually... Then, when the crunch time sets in for the schools to produce clips for the competition, then he might have to work till as late as 3am plus plus...
Pros and Cons lah... I'll be more hardworking during the time when he is working... but when i have to work overnight for my assignments, i will feel super guilty because i wun be able to spend time with him when he is off work! So like I said, pros and cons lor.... Hiaz... I need to work on my time management and brush away my laziness...
As for the topic, yesterday i drove to school, then pick him up during the peak hours... the jam caused me to feel the ache in my calf till today and the motion sickness i had yesterday... It was really quite bad... So i told nik to drive instead and i'll get my motion sickness from the train and bus rides instead... Either way, i'll get it... So might as well do it the less stressful way... No worries about finding free carpark, other irritating and reckless drivers, pedestrians that decide to dash across the road suddenly and accidents that will cause long jams and therefore will be late for class... AND MORE...
Anyway, i better start working... not enough time for my assignments and exams already!!!